Upcoming Event Dates 2024
The Butterfly Ball! Saturday, May 18th, 1:00-3:30 pm
Sunday, June 9th Fairy Festival 1:00-4:00
Wednesday, August 14th- Stick horse show 1:00 pm
Sunday, September 15- Teddy Bear Picnic 11:00-2:00 pm
Sunday, October 20- Scarecrows and Pumpkins Fall Festival
Sunday, November 10- Farmyard Turkey Hunt- cancelled!
*All event dates are subject to change in the case of inclement weather
Tickets can be purchased for all events at Ticket Leap 30 days prior
Scroll down for details of each event!
- The Butterfly Ball!
- Knock, knock, who's come to call? It's an invitation to the butterfly ball!
- Inspired by springtime and the beloved children's story, "An invitation to the butterfly ball", by Jane Yolen.
- Join us for our first mini event on Saturday, May 18th from 1:00-3:30
Children can dress up and join us to make butterfly crafts and accessories, listen to the story and join us for a butterfly "High Tea". Following the tea, our guests will be invited to flutter and dance to their hearts content!
Tickets are $40 per child and a parent may accompany their child at no additional cost. Please note, the seated tea is for children only, and light refreshments will be served to the attending parents. Feel free to bring a picnic blanket or folding chair and enjoy this afternoon with you child!
Tickets are very limited for this event and can only be purchased ahead of time through the ticket agency. Please click on the link below!
6th Annual Fairy Festival
Sunday, June 9th, 1:00-4:00pm
The weather man says clearing this afternoon so wear your puddle boots and join us!
Calling all Fairies and gnomes for this wonderful day on the farm! Come and enjoy a special performance from Ballet Misha. Children can join in on a fairy scavenger hunt, ride on a "real" unicorn, create some fairy and gnome art, or have a fairy sweet treat or sundae. Spend a few minutes fairy dancing with Ballet Misha's dancers. Stroll down fairy lane and build a fairy house, or bring one of your own to enter into our contest. Stop by our photo spot for a family photo op or get creative in our fairy craft tent! "Fairy Outfitters" will be ready to dress your little fairy or gnome with lovely wings, wands, crowns, souvenirs and more. Visit and feed our farm animals and take a wagon ride through the fairy meadow! It's a day of innocent magic and fun! Rain date, Saturday, June 15th
Tickets are just $20.00 per person, or $50 per family of 3 or more
Click on the buy tickets link below!
Buy tickets now!
Postponed! Stay tuned for new date!
2nd Annual Bike and Trike Rally!
Click here to Register Now!
We are excited to host our 2nd bicycle and tricycle, or ride on toy event! Children age 10 and under are welcome to participate in our parade of decorated bikes, obstacle race and drag race! An imaginative dirt course will be set for the kids to navigate. Parents can help assist the younger riders with finding their way. Prizes in different age categories for the fastest time completing the course. Costumes and bike decorations encouraged. Visit the farm animals, play and stay for a picnic in the field. Snacks, treats and refreshments will be sold at our snack bar. Join us for another wholesome family day on the farm!
Tickets $20 per entry. Accompanying parents admitted free
Registration due by July 3rd!
2nd Annual Bike and Trike Rally!
Click here to Register Now!
We are excited to host our 2nd bicycle and tricycle, or ride on toy event! Children age 10 and under are welcome to participate in our parade of decorated bikes, obstacle race and drag race! An imaginative dirt course will be set for the kids to navigate. Parents can help assist the younger riders with finding their way. Prizes in different age categories for the fastest time completing the course. Costumes and bike decorations encouraged. Visit the farm animals, play and stay for a picnic in the field. Snacks, treats and refreshments will be sold at our snack bar. Join us for another wholesome family day on the farm!
Tickets $20 per entry. Accompanying parents admitted free
Registration due by July 3rd!
Wednesday August 14th, 2024
Stick Horse show!
Beginning at 1:00 pm
Join us for the fun!! Compete on the flat on your stick horse, as well as over a jumper course and cross-country course. For those that can't jump, we also have barrel racing, pole bending classes and more! No riding experience necessary. Most kids know how to trot, canter, gallop and jump! Fence heights are set by age division. Divisions include 6 and under, 7-10 and 11+. Don't have a stick horse? Stick horses can be leased for the day. Snacks, drinks and treats available at our snack bar. Come get your jump on! So much fun!
Prizes for all events.
Click to download a prize list and entry form
Stick Horse show!
Beginning at 1:00 pm
Join us for the fun!! Compete on the flat on your stick horse, as well as over a jumper course and cross-country course. For those that can't jump, we also have barrel racing, pole bending classes and more! No riding experience necessary. Most kids know how to trot, canter, gallop and jump! Fence heights are set by age division. Divisions include 6 and under, 7-10 and 11+. Don't have a stick horse? Stick horses can be leased for the day. Snacks, drinks and treats available at our snack bar. Come get your jump on! So much fun!
Prizes for all events.
Click to download a prize list and entry form
Sunday, September 15th 2024
Teddy Bear Picnic!
Rain date, Sunday, Sept. 22nd
Enjoy this wonderful family day on the farm! Story time with Ballet Misha, Teddy bear crafts, a friendly Bear hunt, optional pony rides, animal visits and feeding, wagon rides and so much more! Order a perfect picnic lunch from us, or bring your own and indulge in one of our sundaes or treats for dessert. Be sure to bring along Teddy or your favorite stuffed friend. Lots of sweet treats and food available at the snack bar. We all need a little innocent outdoor magic!
At DDF our mission is to keep the child in children!
Tickets $20 per person, or $50 per family of 3 or more. Add a picnic basket lunch (limited quantities) for just $7.00. Picnic basket consists of a "bear" PBJ or steamed hot dog, chips, apple and drink!
Picnic basket lunches are limited so pre-order early! using the ticket link below! Additional food is available at the snack bar without a picnic basket
Click on the link below for tickets!
Buy Tickets Now!
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Pumpkins and Scarecrows Fall Festival
rain date 10/27
There is no more enjoyable time to be on the farm, than in the fall. Everything from our scarecrow building contest, to our arts and craft tent is guaranteed to keep you busy and having fun. Scavenger hunts, animal petting, optional pony rides, wagon rides, country games, live entertainment and more! It's a great time to be outside with the family. As always, we have plenty of snacks, sweets and treats at our food tent! Crafty fall items, costume accessories and more are found in our boo-tique and are sure to please all as well. Our "Oz" theme is lots of fun. Everyone is encouraged to come in costume! Bring supplies to build a scarecrow for the contest. We provide the stakes and stuffing, you bring the rest! A limited number of scarecrow kits are available to purchase as well. New this year! A prize for the best wizard of oz family costume! Rain date, Sunday, October 27th
General admission tickets are $20 per person, or $50 per family -Click on the ticket link!
Buy Tickets Now!
Have a business?? Advertise with a scarecrow! Inexpensive and fun exposure!
Advertise your business, club or organization with a scarecrow! For a $25 donation, you can build an onsite display with a sign or business cards. Proceeds will go toward prizes for the family scarecrow contest!
Guests will enjoy visiting them around the farm! Click on the link below !
Print entry form!
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Pumpkins and Scarecrows Fall Festival
rain date 10/27
There is no more enjoyable time to be on the farm, than in the fall. Everything from our scarecrow building contest, to our arts and craft tent is guaranteed to keep you busy and having fun. Scavenger hunts, animal petting, optional pony rides, wagon rides, country games, live entertainment and more! It's a great time to be outside with the family. As always, we have plenty of snacks, sweets and treats at our food tent! Crafty fall items, costume accessories and more are found in our boo-tique and are sure to please all as well. Our "Oz" theme is lots of fun. Everyone is encouraged to come in costume! Bring supplies to build a scarecrow for the contest. We provide the stakes and stuffing, you bring the rest! A limited number of scarecrow kits are available to purchase as well. New this year! A prize for the best wizard of oz family costume! Rain date, Sunday, October 27th
General admission tickets are $20 per person, or $50 per family -Click on the ticket link!
Buy Tickets Now!
Have a business?? Advertise with a scarecrow! Inexpensive and fun exposure!
Advertise your business, club or organization with a scarecrow! For a $25 donation, you can build an onsite display with a sign or business cards. Proceeds will go toward prizes for the family scarecrow contest!
Guests will enjoy visiting them around the farm! Click on the link below !
Print entry form!
Sunday - November 10, 2024
Family farmyard Turkey hunt!
Rain date November 17-
This event is cancelled for 2024 due to conflicts. Thanks for a great year!
Bundle up and join us for our last event of the season! Spend the morning at the farm for a good old fashioned turkey hunt! Families will decorate their hunting bag, then hunt for turkeys (egg hunt style) around the farm. The hunt begins promptly at 11:30. Each turkey will have a point value. At the end of the hunt, the family with the most points will win a Thanksgiving basket with all the fixings! Prizes for 2nd and 3rd place as well. Snacks and refreshments will be served at our food tent and crafts, wagon rides and more fun will be available for the kids! Spend some time visiting with our farm animals! Feed pails can be purchased for $4.00
There is plenty of room at the farm to spread out!
Tickets are $30 per family to participate.
Rain date, Sunday, November 19th
Get tickets now by clicking here!
Family farmyard Turkey hunt!
Rain date November 17-
This event is cancelled for 2024 due to conflicts. Thanks for a great year!
Bundle up and join us for our last event of the season! Spend the morning at the farm for a good old fashioned turkey hunt! Families will decorate their hunting bag, then hunt for turkeys (egg hunt style) around the farm. The hunt begins promptly at 11:30. Each turkey will have a point value. At the end of the hunt, the family with the most points will win a Thanksgiving basket with all the fixings! Prizes for 2nd and 3rd place as well. Snacks and refreshments will be served at our food tent and crafts, wagon rides and more fun will be available for the kids! Spend some time visiting with our farm animals! Feed pails can be purchased for $4.00
There is plenty of room at the farm to spread out!
Tickets are $30 per family to participate.
Rain date, Sunday, November 19th
Get tickets now by clicking here!